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(Final report 2007-2008 Siskiyou County Grand Jury/Siskiyou Daily News)

BACKGROUND:  Several complaints were received by the grand jury stating that the JH Ranch is not complying with the conditions of their 1993 Planned Development Permit (PD).  The complaints include excessive number of people, environmental issues, excessive noise levels, reduced property values and traffic safety.

FINDINGS:  The JH Ranch is a 79 acre property used as a guest ranch, with sleeping accommodations, recreational    facilities, and open space.  It is privately owned by the     Johnston Family Partnership, and includes a 6.5 acre area that is zoned C-R (rural neighborhood commercial).  The C-R portion is currently developed with a lodge, chapel, guest housing, staff lounge, and some recreational facilities.

     After researching county files, members of the grand jury found only one permit that refers to an occupancy level, and that is for a maximum of 136 people.  JH Ranch staff believe they have approval to increase occupancy levels because of county approval of improvements.  However, documents     authorizing improvements and correspondence from the County Planning Director to the JH Ranch contain statements such as does not include any expansion of facilities resulting in any increase in guest ranch occupancy and would take this time to remind you that you have no authorization to exceed the previously permitted occupancy level.

     Documentation from a real estate appraiser contends that an adjacent property value was affected by the noise from the JH Ranch.  County code requires that noise levels shall not exceed 65 decibels at the property line.  No testing has been done by the County to insure the 65 decibel limit has not been exceeded.

     Traffic has increased significantly on French Creek Road over the year, mostly due to the increase in occupancy at the JH Ranch. The County has not addressed increased traffic and emergency access requirements in case of disaster.

     Based on a letter dated November 30, 2006 from the Director of what is now part of the Public Health and Community Development Department, but was then known as the County Planning Department, to the Johnston Family Partnership, the Planning Director is trying to bring the JH Ranch into compliance.


CONCLUSIONS: There are nine items in the County Planning Director’s November 2006 letter that are unauthorized or in violation. The PD Permit that must be addressed by the County Supervisors and County Planning Department.


RECOMMENDATIONS: The Board of Supervisors should issue a cease and desist order that occupancy shall not exceed the 136 occupancy level at the JH Ranch until a full review of environmental, noise, traffic, safety, and all other issues noted in the County Planning Director’s letter dated November 30, 2006 are resolved.RESPONSES REQUIRED: The Board of Supervisors and the Director of Public Health and Community Development respond regarding the alleged violations by the JH Ranch and the proposed cease and desist order.



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