Searching for Verified Answers
We humans have a tendency to choose the path of least resistance, the simplest possible solution, usually to find out, that our choice was not really the simplest possible solution. Our March 11th letter to the editor asked seven questions regarding JH Ranch's planned expansion. This has not been a path without resistance, but we remain undeterred in searching for those answers.
1) Attorney's meanings in citing constitutional principles? Any phrase can be construed as a way to support one's own beliefs. No answers yet.
2) JH guests taking showers at Etna High? District Secretary email saying SVUSD rented locker rooms to JH Ranch a few days in Summer, with proper paperwork, insurance, payment, but not since 2012.
3) Does JH pay property taxes? 44 parcels listed owner as JH Ranch Mountain Resort. A few others listed Johnston parents. Perhaps others we haven't found. YES on a few houses and 27 vacant land parcels at $283.46/year. NO on the biggies: JH receives $4,566,016 (that's million) 'Welfare Exemption' on the main 165-acre JH Resort parcel and others. Plus $3,030,427 (million) 'Welfare Exemption' on Scott River Lodge property and others, amounting to zero property tax paid to Siskiyou County. Solid waste tax and water master tax paid on a few parcels.
4) Cal Fire $117.33 (2014) fee per habitable dwelling? Board of Equalization says information/figures are confidential.
5) 'Transient Occupancy Tax'? Yes on Scott River Lodge, No on JH Resort. Tax Collector says figures confidential.
6) Wilderness Permits revoked or probationary? Continuing information search.
7) Why has their 'out of compliance' continued to be allowed after the County's 2006 'Cease/Desist' letter and 2007-2008 Grand Jury findings ? Continuing information search. NEW Question:
8) Do Second Wind Programs (dba JH Ranch) and JH Ranch Mountain Resort pay income tax? Neither one do. Both have Tax Exempt 501(c)3 status and file Form 990's.
Supposedly, the 1993 approval to increase the original occupancy level of 136 guests to new level of 250 on-site/230 off-site with 480 overlap day (and growing each summer), was approved BECAUSE OF all the 'economic benefit' the Ranch brought to our valley and county. REALLY????!!!!!!!
Visit our site: GrandmaUsedToSay.wordpress.comto read what we have verified. The outcome of this decision will have a huge impact, not only on Scott Valley, but our entire county.
Sincerely, Che'usa Sienna Wend, Eb Whipple (Mayor of Cheeseville)March 25, 2014